Monthly Top Tips: September
11th September 2020
Put a hedgehog house in your garden to provide a vital nest for a hibernating ‘hog in the coming months.

As autumn arrives, we’re looking ahead to the hibernation season. Hedgehogs usually hibernate from November until March/April (depending on weather conditions), and prepare for hibernation in autumn. Preparations include eating plenty of food and putting together a sturdy hibernation nest.

A hedgehog house in the garden can therefore provide a vital nesting site. You can buy a hedgehog house online, or build your own using our instructions. There’s also a handy video guide here. Houses should be placed in a sheltered, undisturbed part of the garden.
The Hedgehog Street housing census from 2017 indicated that hedgehogs need some time to get used to the house before moving in. Putting a house out now will therefore increase your chance of a hedgehog using it this winter!
Find out more about hedgehog houses here.

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