🛠Toolkit for schools
Hedgehog conservation can be a great topic for children to learn about, bringing together biology, conservation, art and even design technology! Our slideshow, aimed at 6 -12 year olds is an excellent starting point to introduce the topic, with notes for group leaders. There’s also a playlist of previous online Hedgehog Street talks on our YouTube channel, which may be suitable for older students. We also have hedgehog activities and colouring for younger pupils.
We’ve also produced an A5 flyer for kids with some key tips on how to help hedgehogs, available in English and Welsh languages.
Practical changes
Making a hedgehog house can be an exciting group activity, and many schools use footprint tunnels around the school grounds to determine whether hedgehogs are present. Encourage any gardening clubs to take up wildlife gardening, including setting up wildlife-friendly features such compost heaps, log piles and leaf piles. An active plan for helping local hedgehogs can be part of your school’s eco plan. Children who take part can receive our certificate showing how much they have helped hedgehogs.
You can also find out more from the Hedgehog Friendly Schools project, and take part in their scheme to achieve bronze, silver and gold accreditation.
Ideas from other Hedgehog Champions
Dave from Cheshire set up a hedgehog art competition for local children.
1st Goostrey Cubs decorated hedgehog highway signs to give to local residents.
Brett from Malvern Hill gave a talk to a group of students from Seaford College. He also donated a hedgehog house to their eco group.