Partnering with Birkdale
3rd May 2022
This Hedgehog Awareness Week, we’ve partnered with one of the UK’s leading fence and gate manufacturers Birkdale to release a hedgheog hole product.
The importance of hedgehog holes and highways
One of the threats hedgehogs face in the UK is habitat fragmentation; where hedgehogs are unable to move freely through the landscape due to barriers such as buildings, walls and fences. This hinders their nightly search for food, shelter and mates.
Hedgehog highways can help to alleviate this issue, and form one of our top tips for helping hedgehogs. These 13cm x 13cm square gaps in or under fences and walls ensure that hedgehogs can access gardens. This is vital as gardens are increasingly becoming a refuge for hedgehogs.

Birkdale’s ‘hedgehog hole’
We’re pleased to partner with Birkdale, who have incorporated a hedgehog hole product into their DuraPost range. This recycled steel product will allow a gap to be retained in a gravelboard without compromising the structure of the fence.
The product will be available for purchase soon and promoted through Birkdale and Durapost stockists and installers. For every unit sold, Birkdale will kindly donate 50p to Hedgehog Street.

“DuraPost is proud to extend our sustainable message by now providing a better purpose-made system for the free movement of hedgehogs between gardens and helping towards the preservation of hedgehogs in the UK by proudly partnering with Hedgehog Street. Birkdale is committed to sustainability and we look forward to seeing this product doing its bit to make real change for our garden wildlife. Plus, for every item sold we will donate £0.50 to Hedgehog Street.”
Antony Reed, DuraPost product manager
Find out more about Birkdale’s Hedgehog Hole HERE.