Have you made a hole in your fence for hedgehogs yet?
12th December 2017
If you haven’t already, then maybe it’s time you consider making a ‘Hedgehog Highway’ in your garden. This is a simple and great solution for hedgehogs which are fast disappearing from our countryside.
Hedgehogs can travel up to a mile over one night-time, which means that are fences and walls are getting in the way of their plans. By connecting as many gardens and green spaces as possible, we are giving hedgehogs more places to feed, nest or meet their partners, and ultimately helping to conserve this wonderful animal.
Making a hole is really easy to do (with your neighbours permission of course!) You just need to drill a 13cmx 13cm hole in your fence (about the size of a CD case), and this helps to prevent larger animals like pets getting through, but just the right size for ‘hogs.

Hedgehog Street encourages people to link their gardens – Hedgehog Highways