๐ Toolkit for land owners/managers
Helping hedgehogs
We produce a hedgehog ecology and land management guide to advise landowners and greenspace managers how to help hedgehogs on their land. You can also use our highway and house instructions to encourage hedgehogs onto your land. The A-Z guide will help you understand the biology and ecology of hedgehogs.
We also run a Hedgehog Ecology and Management for Practitioners (HEMP) course, find out more here and contact us via hedgehog@ptes.org if you’re interested in attending the course.
Monitoring hedgehogs
There are simple, cheap ways to monitor hedgehogs on the land you manage. Checking the BIG Hedgehog Map can give you an indication of current hedgehog distribution. Footprint tracking tunnels are also a low-cost way to determine presence/absence. If you’re interested in more in-depth monitoring techniques, find out more here. These can be higher cost and often require a license, but can yield information on population demographics and numbers.
If you’re working to make you land hedgehog-friendly, or would like to monitor, get in touch and we’d be happy to provide advice and support hedgehog@ptes.org