Hedgehogs on the move
27th November 2018
Some of the most popular questions we get at Hedgehog Street is “where is my ‘hog?” or “is that my ‘hog?”
Hedgehogs can move up to a mile in just one night, so its very possible that they are benefiting from multiple gardens in your area rather than just your garden alone. This means they may go “missing” from time to time. But, don’t worry, if hedgehogs are in the area, and your garden is hedgehog-friendly then they will soon return.
It is also possible that you are being visited by several different hedgehogs each night, rather than always the same individual. So that might help explain why your “regular” visitor might be fussy one night, and greedy the next.
Check out these fantastic videos from a project we funded at Nottingham Trent University, looking at the movements of radio tracked hedgehogs in both the countryside and cities. Each hog is represented by a different coloured dot, and the video is sped up over several days.
Video 1 Rural ‘hogs on the move shows how hedgehogs in the countryside don’t always return to the same nest, but will generally stick to a preferred home range.
Video 2 City ‘hogs on the move is of an area of suburbia in Brighton that shows hedgehogs moving between gardens and roads. This shows how important Hedgehog Highways are. Make one in your fence today, and help hedgehogs travel freely to find food, nests and potential mates.