Hedgehog behaviours
All of the hedgehog behaviours for Hedgehogs After Dark can be found below, along with video examples to help out!

Nesting/gathering leaves – this is if you see a hedgehog with a mouthful of leaves, or if your hedgehog is actively snuffling around the nest rearranging things.
Click here for video example.

Courting/mating – this can be hedgehogs circling one another on the lawn (courting) or mounting one another (mating). Click here for video example.

Walking or running – this is basically hedgehogs on the move, but for no obvious objective other than to get from A to B. Click here for video example.

Fighting/aggression – this can vary from pushing and shoving, to biting. Click here for video example.

Feeding/drinking – any kind of interaction with your feeding station will also count. Click here for video example.

Self-anointing or grooming – includes scratching. Self-anointing is when hedgehogs create spit/froth and cover themselves. We do not yet know why they do this. Click here for video example.

Swimming – hedgehogs love to swim, but can’t always get out easily. Click here for video example.

Sleeping or resting – basically stationary hedgehogs either in the nest or outside.
Click here for video example.

Nursing/caring for hoglets – this can be a mother with newborns drinking her milk, or if mother is carrying them or doing activities with the hoglets i.e. feeding. Click here for video example.