Hedgehogs After Dark: Sleeping and resting
13th July 2020
It’s the tenth week of Hedgehogs After Dark and we’re looking at our final hedgehog behaviour. It’s another one that hasn’t been widely reported, because hedgehogs are hidden away safely when they’re doing it – sleeping!

Hedgehogs are nocturnal, meaning they sleep during the day and are active at night. They also make sure to hide themselves away in their nest when they’re resting, to avoid disturbance and predation. For these reasons, sleeping and resting aren’t behaviours we’re likely to see a lot in the garden! Those with a wildlife camera in a nest box have the best chance of actually seeing this behaviour (you can find camera recommendations here if you’re thinking about purchasing one).
Other ways to know if there’s sleepy hedgehogs in the garden is if you have seen nesting behaviour or if you have a hedgehog house that’s being used.
If you notice a hedgehog appearing to sleep or rest out in the open, there may be something wrong and it’s a good idea to seek advice.
**Hedgehogs After Dark has now finished, but you can check out the highlights on our YouTube channel, and log hedgehog sightings on the BIG Hedgehog Map!**