Hedgehogs and development: free guide for developers
4th April 2019
Hedgehogs are disappearing at an alarming rate. Since the millennium, a third have been lost from our towns and cities.

Young hedgehog seen from ground level crossing a village road near some road works.
Hedgehogs travel around one mile every night through parks and gardens in their quest to find food, nests and mates. Unfortunately, new developments can fragment the landscape by installing fences and walls, or building new roads – making it very difficult for hedgehogs to get from one green space to the next. This is why ‘Hedgehog Highways’ are a great solution – a small hole in the garden fences of new homes will instantly improve connectivity throughout the development and help protect this endangered species.
The British Hedgehog Preservation Society and People’s Trust for Endangered Species, the two charities behind Hedgehog Street, have published a free guide for developers, together with the Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, providing lots of tips on how to help hedgehogs on site.