Hi All,
We often get cats feeding with our hogs without any issues, one of our regular feline friends was behaving. strangely with one of our senior female hogs.
The cat arrived whilst the hog was feeding and seemed reluctant to join her at the other bowl. When the hog had finished feeding the cat followed the hog of into the garden. Then a few minutes later the hog returned followed by the cat who approached the hog and got very close to her apparently spelling her backside. The hog was unperturbed and went on feeding and the cat rather than staying then wandered off. Very odd. We have been filming the hogs (with the cats) for some years now but never seen this sort of behaviour before.
Could the cat smell that the hog might have been on heat ? They (the hogs) can get a bit smelly at times and we notice on cleaning out the feeding station (we feed them inside a feeding station and outside) that the wee can be really strong.
Any ideas ?