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Sad day today

Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Sad day today

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    I’ve been so pleased and excited that I’ve been having hedgehogs visit my garden again this year, every night now since the beginning of April. However, in the past two days I’ve seen two hedgehogs (not my visitors) that had been killed on the roads, and am now feeling really upset. After the effort we put in to helping keep them going by providing food and hog houses etc., and the pleasure we get from doing so, it’s heartbreaking to see how they can be gone in a second, and in such a horrible way. Sorry if I’ve put a dampener on everyone’s evening, but after seeing the latest fatality this morning, it’s been on my mind all day and I just had to share my feelings.

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    So sorry hear about the hogs, Dizzydog. The way I see it, we’re here to share the sad times as well as the good ones, so don’t worry about that. As you say, it is incredibly sad that that a hog can be killed on the road, just like that. Whether they are our visitors or not, they are hedgehogs and we all go to a lot of trouble to try to help them. Each and every hedgehog is precious. I do feel for you – it is always much harder when it is close to home.

    Perhaps it is a good time to redouble our efforts to try to get more holes in fences, hedgehog friendly gardens, etc. so that hedgehogs don’t have such a need to cross roads to find suitable habitat. Hedgehog Awareness Week coming up 6th – 12th May would be a good opportunity to try push the message. I came across a good poster on the BHPS site:
    There are quite a few posters about various hog related things which you can download.

    Probably the last thing on your mind, but it’s worth reporting the 2 poor hogs on the Big Hedgehog Map. It all helps to show the reality of what is happening with the hogs.


    Thanks for your message, Nic. I will report the sightings. One hog had been hit on a main road out in the countryside, but the other was on a really busy major road in a heavily built-up area where there’s not much greenery or, I would have thought, much access to any gardens. I was amazed to see him there. As you say, every one of them is precious and worth every effort we put in for them.

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