Hi all,
So, rats are eating a fair bit of the food I’m putting out for my hogs. I wouldn’t mind if they just took a little, and I don’t have any intention of hurting or killing the rats (they live here too), but hedgehog food is pretty expensive, and I want the hogs to get enough. Since the times the hogs feed are not altogether predictable, sometimes half or even most of the food I put out is disappearing before the hogs get there. I’m refilling the dishes once or a couple times a night, so I don’t leave huge amounts of food out all night. When I’ve left a camera pointing at my feeding stations, there are always rats eating loads of food in between the hog visits. Trying to predict the hogs’ schedules has proven impossible.
Anyone have any ideas to keep rats away that won’t hurt or scare the hogs? Like I said, I truly don’t mind if they eat a little, but would rather they didn’t eat the majority of the food I put out, and I think some nights that is happening.
I do have a cat, but he is pretty old now, and the rats seem to know he isn’t much of a threat anymore, and ignore him, even when he’s nearby.
Would appreciate any suggestions if anybody has come up with anything that helps.