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Poo spotted despite builder's mess…

Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Poo spotted despite builder's mess…

  • This topic has 92 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Avatar photoNic.
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    Hi Annie

    Yes, here’s hoping the 2021 improves as it progresses!

    Naughty Cino! Yes, winter feeding can be a problem. If you manage to keep the cats out, rats can still get in.

    Still no sign of anything here, other than the occasional mouse, but the camera sometimes misbehaves when it gets too cold! But not long now until March when the early hogs usually start to appear again. Hope they’re all alright and fingers crossed for a good hog year.

    Plenty of birds around, though, including the blackbirds who are making more of an appearance again. They’re all making good use of my mini-shrubbery in the front garden!

    Thanks. Hope you stay safe too.


    Hi Nic

    It’s great having the birds when all other wildlife seems to have disappeared for winter, as you say though very soon hog activity will begin again.

    Next week a purpose built hog feeder is arriving, I’ve rearranged the back garden in readiness & it’ll be much easier to keep clean & accessible from many ways for my visitors. Plus my neighbour will be able to see them from her bedroom which she’ll love when she’s looking out of her window unable to sleep sometimes. I can see I’ll need to use bricks at both the entrances because of Cino as she’s so small she can get in anywhere but other than that it has a hinged lid & the feeding area is open to the ground for easy cleaning.

    Unsure if it’s mice or a hog taking a little food from the front garden feeder but definitely mice in the back!

    Look forward to starting a new thread for both feeder & house in a few weeks when someone begins to show themselves again.

    Stay safe Nic.

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    Hi Annie

    Yes, lots of birds, although, as usual on Garden Bird Watch day there were fewer than usual! I suspect some people feed them just for that weekend! There are loads around again, now.

    Good to hear about your new feeder – lucky hogs!

    I’m just hoping that any hogs at all come back here. They seem to be having a hard time round here these days. Not enough females around – I don’t think I saw a single hoglet last year.

    Yes, I expect it will start getting busier on the Forum soon.

    Hope you stay safe, too.

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