Poo spotted despite builder's mess…
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- This topic has 92 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by
9th August 2019 at 7:50 am #17196
Hi Nic,
Oh the dilemma of hedgehogs.
When I was new here I had a HH visitor with a bad back leg- Mr Ejjy.
It was amputated and he made a good recovery. I was in touch with the local wildlife place although Mr E stayed at the vet. I had read that amputees should be released into enclosed gardens but the wildlife place said the new theory was to release back where found so that they could be free and still breed.
So he came back here and I followed my instructions. I caught him on camera leaving the box at 1 AM and never saw him again. I was gutted and wondered if I had been given the right info.
So to Siili and doubting yourself, we can only do what we can do and a free hedgehog- I would guess- has to be a happier hog. I hope she is still showing up.
I wonder what Igel has been up to?
Still no sign of Cyclopsina and sadly I fear the worst as the timing of the different circumstances of ill and dead hoglets and her disappearance don’t bode well.
On a brighter note 2 boys are visiting regularly but no hoglets.
Fingers crossed for Siili- What a fighter!11th August 2019 at 11:57 am #17250Hi Nic & simbo
So sad for you simbo, never know what to do for the best do we. Glad you still have other hogs in your garden. Such a relief for you Nic to see Siili after a fair bit of gnashing of teeth over whether or not you did the right thing, I guess without people doing their best for these little creatures they would have no chance at all as opposed to a fighting chance that they’re given by being mended as far as possible & re-released.
You have plenty of hogs visiting don’t you, glad Igel is back. Wasps seem to be everywhere this year, have seen a fair few reports of them nesting & causing problems for householders. Not having seen more than a handful here last year they seem to be making up for it now.
My window cleaner put one of those things atop the downpipe last year so the sparrows have obviously just blocked the gutter up against it for me this time! Not sure whether to have the hole blocked up to stop them nesting next year because it’s directly above Minx’s new outside enclosure & the babies could potentially drop into her mouth. Minx is our remaining house cat by the way if I haven’t mentioned her before.
Mainly white butterflies here so far this summer, with a smattering of speckled woods & something very orange I disturbed when I moved some things out the back which flew into my face & away before I could see what it was. Bees are everywhere, never stop. I have marjoram which I’ve let spread in a border & go to flower every year & it’s always covered in bees of all types, hover flies & all sorts of buzzy things.
Frankie’s kennel is currently being used by day too, I put the camera pointing at it a couple of nights ago when it was dry & had a great time in the morning looking at all the shots of assorted comings & goings all night! If it wasn’t the one using it it was others coming to take a peek inside & rushing off again. A few with more than one hog bumbling about in front of the kennel.
Last few nights little activity, maybe the heavy rain puts them off but still a huge bump under the blanket with someone sleeping the day off. It’s sheltered from the sun & rain so perfect really. Fair bit of teleporting though, down to them moving too fast for the camera I expect as one minute the blanket is flat, the next up in the air on top of somebody!
Lovely to see anyway.14th August 2019 at 10:31 pm #17288Hi Annie and Simbo65
So sorry to hear still no sign of Cyclopsina, Simbo. But she still might appear again. I think I told you about the one who was missing for about a year and then turned up again. Re. Mr. Ejjy, it’s always a dilemma about what is best to do. Sometimes you have to follow the advice of others. But the only thing is, with him being a male, if he was a youngster, they do tend to move on, so that may be what happened. You did your best for him and that’s all we can do. Really good that you still have hogs visiting. You never know when a hoglet might suddenly appear, even if there don’t seem to be females around.
I was so relieved that Siili really was a female, as I suspected. Not only from the point of view of her being more likely to stay in this area, but also knowing what the boys are like biffing each other. I think she has enough to deal with without that sort of carry on!
Siili seems to be becoming more confident again and is making more appearances on video. Last night she was here with two others, a male and Igel (who is actually bigger than Siili, now). The male showed a little bit of interest in Siili – not sure Igel was all that amused about that – she was huffing away, but he ignored her. Don’t know what it is about Igel! Anyway, little Siili just leant over towards him with her spines, as if to say ‘don’t bother me, I’m trying to eat’ and he went off. I was so pleased to see that she didn’t seem worried about having the other hogs around now.
Oh dear, Annie. You don’t want baby sparrows dropping into Minx’s mouth! I suppose blocking it might encourage them to nest somewhere slightly safer.
I have quite a lot of marjoram, too. Yes, the insects love it. Mine is next to my wild flower patch a sort of transition from the ‘tame’ plants to the ‘wild’ ones, although to be fair the whole area is pretty wild! My front garden is coming on really well now with all the shrubs growing where the tree used to be. I often see birds in there and now there are loads of berries coming along ready for winter – if they last that long! I spent years debating about that tree. Never nice to cut a tree down, but it really was in the wrong place and I think the area is far more wildlife friendly now. It would be nice if a hog decided to hibernate amongst the bushes.
I’ve had a lot of white butterflies around as well. Might have something to do with my patch of ‘wild’ horseradish which they seem to love to lay eggs on! I may have mentioned it, but last year I had quite a few caterpillars walking up my front path to pupate around my front door. I love them all. So nice seeing them all fluttering around. There are a couple of buddleias nearby, so food for the adults as well.
Brilliant that the hogs are making such good use of Frankie’s kennel. They do seem to like burrowing under things. Whenever I have had them in them in overnight, en route to the wildlife hospital, they usually end up burrowing under the newspaper which is meant to be the floor covering. That teleporting – don’t know how they manage it. There are usually far more hog journeys down the path than up it!
20th August 2019 at 2:02 pm #17409Hi Nic
Glad that Igel & Siili are OK, the male hog picked the wrong garden I think if he was after a bit of hedgehog love.
You made the right decision to remove the tree by the sound of things.Your shrubs are obviously doing their bit for the birds specially the berries, this year everything seems to be early, berries everywhere including blackberries which are going berserk in my neighbour’s garden & beginning to threaten mine. Taste better this year than usual.
Last night hit the jackpot on camera, 95 pics of hog activity. The first were the usual little hoglet & the other slightly larger going about their business then later appeared a larger one who started bashing the hoglet around as it went to pass the feeder. There were dozens of pics of the big one shoving the little one who started with its head down & spines forward but ended in a small bundle being pushed against the entrance to the feeder. Poor little scrap didn’t get any more food & eventually they both disappeared & the feeder was out of business for the night. Hope it doesn’t put the hoglet off returning other nights. Somebody is in Frankie’s kennel again today, must have teleported in.
Marjoram continues to be plastered in bees & buzzies, such a huge number of customers for such a small area. Doesn’t take much to attract insects does it, shame more gardens don’t have flowers, very few round here. Lots of natural trees & hedges along the road & pavements though, hawthorn in abundance which gets lots of flowers & plenty of insects. I have an ancient lavender in a pot up by the house which is permanently covered in bees & smells beautiful when I brush against it, must take some cuttings to make sure I keep it going.
26th August 2019 at 6:45 pm #17604Hi Annie
It’s the males who are letting the side down. Igel does her best huffing away, but they just mostly ignore her. Recently one or two have taken a bit of notice, but I think she has got so fed up with it all that she’s taken to nudging them, maybe in encouragement, but it doesn’t really go down very well.
Little Siili is doing well. I’m so proud of her – what a hedgehog! She is not scared of any of the hogs now and pretty much does what she wants. Some of the males seem a bit scared of her. Not sure what that is about. I wonder whether she still doesn’t smell quite right, or something. Or maybe it’s something to do with the fact that she acts as if she owns the place – which, of course, she does! She doesn’t seem at all interested in the boys at the moment. Too busy being a normal hedgehog again, perhaps, and she is still quite small. Not surprising that such a nasty injury would set her back. Such a shame that all that time was wasted for her. She was well ahead of where she would have been after not hibernating. But she is a little miracle having survived that – thanks in large part to the wonderful treatment and care she had at Wiltshire Wildlife Hospital.
Yes, there do seem to be a fair few berries around, although my rowan berries are fast disappearing already, and I saw a bird in the dogwood, so that may have been the berries, too.
That’s unusual that an adult is biffing the hoglet. They are usually quite tolerant of hoglets, here. The hoglets even sometimes get away with taking a food bowl over from an adult male! Or is it a slightly older hoglet, because it seems like when they reach a certain stage, the gloves are off. Lovely that you are getting a nice lot of videos and so lovely that they are continuing the tradition of using Frankie’s kennel.
Good idea to take a cutting of the lavender. I think they take quite easily and it would be so annoying if you lost the parent plant.
9th September 2019 at 12:36 pm #18080Hi Nic
Good old Siili, so glad she’s doing well after her ordeal. You did the right thing there for sure. Between her & Igel you have a pair of characters visiting you.
New batteries in my camera revealed rather more then I expected, there were few pics from each night but all food gone so I checked & found almost defunct batteries. Suddenly 80 odd pics a night & rather worryingly one night a fox sniffing the hog feeder. To get in our garden either a 6 foot jump over our gate or squeezed in through the hedgehog hole in it, we’re surrounded by gardens on all other sides 2 out of 3 of which are impenetrable from the outside world but the other would mean getting over 6 foot fences several times from other gardens in a row one of which has horrible nails all along it to deter creatures/burglars. Hungry fox no doubt but as there are very young hoglets appearing this is a worry for their safety. Saw the fox another night too.
One hoglet appears on camera at 20.38 virtually every night, must have an accurate clock in his head! The larger hog that uses Frankie’s kennel stayed away for a few days after I cleaned it out & replaced the blankets etc due to excess flies on the sunshine days & a large amount of either wormy or flyblown poo in & under the blanket that was a health hazard to the hog it was so dirty. Back again most days now & feeding happily all around the garden every night & munching away in the feeder in between. If I turn up my hearing aids I can listen to the munching from just outside the house without having to go down the garden! A great deal of rustling & sounds of happy eating going on in the borders, must be all sorts of lovely grub in there for them. All because of a hedgehog hole in the gate, the garden would still have no spiky visitors otherwise, just shows the difference you can make to our wildlife with a bit of thought.
14th September 2019 at 2:39 pm #18239Hi Annie
So pleased you have been getting lots of hog action there. Lovely that they are foraging as well. That sounds a very enterprising fox! Hopefully it’s one that doesn’t bother hogs.
Yes, little Siili is a marvel. She’s still visiting every night. Igel missed one night recently and I wondered whether she had finally attracted the attention of a male for long enough! Too late now, the males seem to have disappeared.
But naughty Igel was nudging Siili the other night (not a real biff, as such). The other hogs don’t seem to know what to make of Siili. What with the males sometimes running away from her, when they were still here. But if Igel was the other hoglet who was here when Siili was, at the end of last year, as I suspect, they never seemed to get on particularly well then. I hope that Siili will eventually become less scary to the males. It would be nice if she had hoglets next year.
A cat managed to get under my Perspex sheet feeding area the other night (or morning, I should day) – more fool me for putting the food too close to the edge so I could see the hogs better! Luckily it was about 4 in the morning, so Siili and Igel had already spent a fair amount of time here eating.
There was a hoglet, who I saw visit for a few nights. A really pretty little thing, but it didn’t go to the food and I haven’t seen it again for about a week now, which is sad. But still plenty of time for more to appear!
I had to do a bit of clearing in my long grass bank area – I always do it by hand to avoid harming anything – and this tiny frog kept appearing – or hopefully, more than one. (opposite side of the house to my ponds, so no connection). I think it/they will be ok, because the grass doesn’t get really short, pulling it by hand and there are patches of other plants, too. But so nice that it is providing homes for things. Apparently sometimes people see grasshoppers there as they walk past, too.
12th October 2019 at 9:08 am #18835Hi Nic
Wonder how active Igel & Siili are now, most days the 2 dishes of food in my feeder are empty or almost empty in the mornings. Hard to tell how many hogs are coming but small & large are appearing on camera every night & Frankie’s kennel’s still being used as a shelter judging by the movement of the fleecy pad every day/night. The newspaper underneath the pad where there’s a permanent hog shaped tunnel which goes from front to back of the kennel has been torn up last night near the entrance & some is outside in the wet, not sure what that’s about.
I’ve seen a fox on camera again once since my last mention, but as hogs are obviously teleporting around the place I see no reason why foxes can’t do the same & there may be one more often than I think. Also spotted a teeny mouse on camera which may explain oddly empty shots as they run so fast they can trigger it & be gone again. No doubt enjoying the feast too. I usually blame fast running hogs for empty shots, they can really move it can’t they on those long legs.
I’ve watched a very large hedgehog (who uses the entrance the far end of the feeder away from where the camera is) foraging in the garden, climbing into shallow flower pots of plants & using the feeder too between long drinks of water. There are entrances both ends of my feeder so if someone wants to get out without having to pass someone else they can. Also means if someone arrives while they’re eating they can beat a hasty retreat safely if they want to.
Birds very active of course & it’s possible my large unidentified birds from weeks ago who still visit clumping along the fence are carrion crows. Winter is coming, dark mornings a bit depressing, my garden & its visitors provide my sanity & help me ignore the crazy world we live in.
12th October 2019 at 1:03 pm #18844Hi Annie
I was only thinking this morning that hadn’t heard from you for a while! Maybe picked up some telepathy talents from the hogs!
Igel disappeared a while ago. I thought she might be producing late hoglets, but think she’s probably been gone too long now. Then another adult hog appeared for a while, but seemed scared of Siili! The boys all disappeared a while ago. Haven’t checked last night’s video yet, but the ‘new’ hog wasn’t here the night before. So Siili was in sole occupation of the feeding area again. That is until an enterprising cat managed to squeeze under the roof. Looked thoroughly uncomfortable, didn’t eat much and didn’t stay long. Luckily Siili had already been and gone. I’ve expanded the roof area now. Hope Siili didn’t mind! I’m half hoping she doesn’t hibernate again. It will be interesting to see what happens after her interrupted year. I haven’t seen any more hoglets, since that one ages ago. Still hopeful.
It’s good to hear Frankie’s kennel is still being used. Perhaps a hog, or a mouse, has decided to use some of the newspaper in it’s nest. Lovely to hear that you still have lots of hogs visiting. And fox and mouse! I quite often have a mouse or two as well. Uses up a lot of video here, too, dashing backwards and forwards! Yes, hogs can put on a surprising spurt of speed if they want to, as well.
I think it’s a really good idea having two entrances/exits to a feed box. Much nicer for the hogs.
Re. your birds, there was an old saying – something like this: A rook on its own is a crow and crow in a crowd is a rook. (sorry if I mentioned it before!) Of course, there are always exceptions to rules! But could your birds be rooks if there are a lot of them. I get quite a few here, but usually more at certain times of the year than others. They nest nearby. But I also get jackdaws visiting – they always look so inquisitive, I think it must be those blue-ish eyes. Just looked up how long rooks live. 15 -20 years! That’s amazing. So, some of those really could be the rooks who were around years ago.
Yes, autumn is really upon us already. My garden is looking quite colourful at the moment with all the different coloured leaves, and a few flowers as well. But it won’t be long until the leaves all fall off. Only two weeks until the clocks change, so it will be a bit lighter in the mornings – for a short while, at least. I always worry about any hogs still not hibernating, though, with the change in traffic timings. Then there’s bonfire night. Oh dear, a hog lover’s worry is never done!
27th October 2019 at 12:21 pm #19192Hi Nic
Yes, disappeared for a while as life got busy & wore me out!
Wonder if Igel has made a reappearance & Siili is still around? Activity has fallen off greatly here as far as hogs go, still at least one visitor a night but less frequent on camera & about half the amount of food being eaten. Frankie’s kennel being used most nights for resting in I think between excursions to search for food. Judging by the foraging going on in the fallen leaves & borders etc there’s still plenty of wild food available. Hoping my visitors have winter accommodation arranged & they’re going to safely make it through the winter. As you mention, the horror of bonfires but don’t see any near here usually so hopefully that’s one thing they won’t have to contend with.
I like the rook saying, no you haven’t mentioned it before. Just watched a BTO Corvid ID film & have to say from watching it & thinking about our large & bumptious pair of visitors that they’re crows but still not 100% sure which! Jackdaws are so easy to ID & we have so many too in the summer. About 30 starlings came down to the feeders yesterday, my very own murmuration!
Beautiful shots of mice on camera this week, sleek little things probably thriving on hedgehog food. Still lots of fuchsias in flower & plenty of bees & buzzy folk around, the camera recorded a temperature of -5 last night though so cold weather is really beginning.
2nd November 2019 at 2:17 pm #19311Hi Annie
Know the feeling!
Igel didn’t come back, so I hope she is safely hibernating somewhere. Siili was visiting every night but then no sign of her on the video 2 nights ago. But she was back last night.
I’m having a problem with two very persistent cats and a Siili who’s not keen on going in boxes – can’t blame her really. So I have had to make quite a large area, for her to go under which means I can’t see the food bowl on the video. So it’s just possible she may have crept in the back the day she wasn’t on video, although very unusual for her not to go to the water as well, which is outside. (although she could get some elsewhere in the garden).
It must be so uncomfortable for the cats under there – Siili only just fits under. The cats have to crawl on their bellies for about 2 feet, so don’t usually stay under long. I’ve tried putting the pots (which are the columns of the structure) closer together, but am a bit worried Siili may not like it. I normally try to keep everything in the same place, because of her lack of eyesight. Last night the cats still got under and I’m not sure there was any food left by the time Siili got there, which was quite late. So I’ve just been out in the pouring rain and wind to add some further cat deterrants! There are a couple more things I can try, if they don’t work. Beware cats!! I expect it will be a rat next! The strange thing is the system was working fine before the weather changed. You’d think the cats would like crawling along on their bellies less when it’s cold and wet!
The other way to tell rooks from crows is that adult rooks have pale beaks and that area but crows have black beaks. The only problem is young rooks also have black beaks! They don’t make it easy. Although the beaks are slightly differently shaped as well. I get a lot of collared doves here and if I don’t go out and feed them when I should (which probably happens a bit too often!) they all line up on the fence! Not many blackbirds around though. I wonder if the Summer ones have migrated and the winter ones not got here yet.
My garden is still looking surprisingly colourful. Some of it’s the leaves, of course, but surprising how many flowers are still around. I recently treated myself to some new salvias. One of them is a lovely pale peaches and cream sort of colour, which I haven’t seen before. Apparently only hardy to -5 so I will have to keep them in pots for the winter and put them somewhere safe if the forecast is really low. The other is a purply sort of colour and they look lovely together. The bees should love them if I manage to keep them through the winter. I really ought to take some cuttings, it’s just getting around to it!
Is the hog who uses Frankie’s kennel still visiting?
15th November 2019 at 8:42 pm #19706Hi Nic
On 27 October our smaller hog who’s been a regular all summer visited, ate a hearty meal & hasn’t been back since. The larger one who used Frankie’s kennel disappeared a few days before that & now we’re only visited by long tailed field mice. They appear to be peeing in the food dish judging by the mess it’s in most mornings. Pretty little things but not quite what I had in mind to watch on camera.
Frankie’s lovely friend Nala who comforted me greatly after his death has died herself from poison of some sort, probably antifreeze. Horrible way to die & so sad as she was only a few years old & a beautiful creature with a big personality. Worrying that any poisons are around with so many animals to innocently take them in by accident.
Read alanfrew’s posts & enjoyed his videos, how lovely to have so many hogs to watch every night, hope they stay safe.
Thanks for the help re the pair of big birds who visit, they must be crows. Hilarious to watch them, like a pair of vultures next to the smaller birds who don’t seem to worry about them when they’re trying to balance on the fence.
Will redesign the hog feeder I think, it’s not that easy to put food in & could be better for the hogs too, though I think they’d be happy whatever I put out as long as it had food in!
I Siili still around or has she curled up for winter somewhere?
I cut my escallonia back quite a bit a few weeks ago as it had gone a bit mad & there are lots of new flowers on it, great for any late bees hanging around as I’ve seen them most days buzzing about, couple of wasps too.
15th November 2019 at 9:00 pm #19707Hi Nic
I replied to your post, then had to edit it, did the captcha thing which was accepted ok & the whole thing disappeared, so will try again.
On 27 October our smaller hog who was a regular all summer visited & after eating a decent meal hasn’t returned, the larger hog who was using Frankie’s kennel disappeared a few days before that & now we only have long tailed field mice appearing on camera.
Nala Frankie’s lovely friend has died from poison of some sort, probably antifreeze. She was such a comfort to me after his death, a beautiful cat & a real character, such a horrible way to die & she was only a few years old. Frightening to think there are poisons of any sort around for animals to innocently come across.
Is Siili still visiting or has she curled up somewhere for the winter?
Thank you for the help re the big black birds in my garden, they must be crows. So funny to watch, they obviously have no idea how huge they are next to the usual garden birds & bumble their way along the fence to try & balance on things far too small for them! The jackdaws stay away from them but the other birds don’t seem bothered.
I cut back my escallonia a few weeks ago as it had gone bonkers & it’s got new flowers on, nice bit of food for any late bees. There are still some around & wasps too.
I’m going to make a new & better feeder as the one I made isn’t the best really though it’s cat proof & the hogs seemed happy enough. Waterproofing it is a problem as you have to be careful it’s animal friendly obviously. Haven’t waterproofed the current one & it’s a bit like my shed, leaky in places.
Thoroughly enjoyed alanfrew’s videos on the forum of his many hogs, how lovely. Hope they stay safe & whoever was blobbing stops asap.
16th November 2019 at 12:04 pm #19720Hi Annie
That’s so annoying, when it disappears like that. It’s happened to me a few times – that’s why there are about 4 versions of one of my posts on here – because I reported it and they were all put back on! Not what I really wanted, but never mind. At that time they were between Hedgehog Officers, but I recently got round to reporting it again, when someone else mentioned they’d had the same problem. It seems to happen if it’s quite a long post and then you edit it. I’ve taken to writing mine on a document and copying it over, so at least I have a copy of most of it, even if I’ve changed a bit. But hopefully they will sort it out fairly soon. But they are such small organisations that I don’t think they have special departments for that sort of thing. Also reported that the newest posts often don’t show, if you aren’t signed in.
So sorry to hear about poor Nala. That’s really horrible. So sad. It seems there are hazards around all over the place. You must miss her.
Yes, Siili is still visiting. The cats have been such a pest. Siili has to duck down a little bit to get under the sheeting, but one of the cats is still getting under there – literally crawling on its belly. I’m trying to encourage Siili to go into the box by leaving a little trail. The bowl is sometimes empty, but because of all the paraphernalia to keep the cat out, the camera doesn’t catch whoever is going in. I really can’t see how it can be the cat – I would have thought it would be easier for the camera to pick up and also that if it had managed to get in it would have pushed something out of the way. But just in case I put the hog food out first and then go and add some cat biscuits quite late and hope that Siili gets there first. But Siili is also often seen foraging on the lawn, which is good.
I’ve got a jackdaw who visits who has quite a lot of white bits. Quite a character. It also gets under the sheeting to help finish off the hog food and usually pushes the bowl along. The starling also go under. Little squabblers! One of them made me laugh. There are some sheets of mesh on the top (part of the cat deterrant from the box) and instead of going under like all the others it managed, with difficulty, to squeeze through. My naughty wood pigeon visitors seem to have told their friends about my garden – there were 4 today. There have only been 2 for years, or 3 when there was a youngster. I wouldn’t mind, but they stop the other birds from feeding. But it does make me laugh seeing them balancing on the hanging feeder saucer. Like your crows, I imagine.
How lovely that you have flowers on your escallonia. There still seem to be some bees, etc, in the garden and the other day I saw a red admiral butterfly, but the steady stream of wasps going backwards and forwards to the roof seems to have stopped. I don’t know why wasps get such a bad press. The pollinate as well and eat pests.
Yes, my newest feed box is a bit leaky, too. But at the moment it isn’t being used – other than by woodlice!
Yes, those hoglets have been lovely to watch. They’ve grown so fast. I agree re. the blobbers.
8th December 2019 at 9:46 pm #20190Hi Nic
Cats are really proving a pain in your garden aren’t they, I love them but they can be very intrusive. Haven’t seen Nala’s litter mate Chino for days now I come to think of it, she’s very good at getting in small spaces & eating the hog food. Yes I miss Nala, she was a beautiful creature, a real friend & great character.
A couple of weeks ago after being fed up seeing just mice & Chino but no hogs & not bothering with the camera I put it out one night & there was a young hog going in the feeder. It’s obvious from the food before & since that was a one off & I really hope it’s snuggled up somewhere warm as it looked too small to me to be hibernating. Nice & round though in a good way. Someone has been burrowing under the newspaper in the kennel underneath the blanket, wonder who.
Yes, I forgot I was saving my posts in case they misbehaved having suffered that a few times, will make sure I do in future as it’s so frustrating when you’ve been happily typing away & find it’s just vanished.
A massive swathe of countryside is disappearing down the road, it’s so much worse than I thought it was going to be, unbelievable. Fields for miles have just gone, masses of houses instead, no chance for wildlife with the extra traffic this is going to produce, it’s bad enough as it is as Frankie found out to his cost.
Looking forward to the Spring to be honest, the election nonsense will hopefully be behind us & our disastrously fragmented country licking its wounds & getting on with mending itself & starting to tackle the many environmental problems that are destroying all we love the most about the UK.
Hope your hogs are all hibernating & they emerge in the Spring to start a new year with no blobbers defacing them.
Our wood pigeons, feral pigeons, crows, jackdaws, robins, blackbirds, sparrows, starlings, magpies, assorted tits etc are still noisily eating me out of house & home!!
Happy Christmas to you & yours xx
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