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  • #26889

    We have a really good and thriving hedgehog population and we feed them appropriately, but do our best not to intrude.
    However we have a young one that is causing us concern, he/she tends to come out during the day, we have picked it up fed him a couple of times And released it in the evening, where it does the Usain Bolt of the hedgehog world.
    But earlier today we found it crouched up next to our front door.
    Last night he was really active feeding, but today he seems really lethargic, I examined him and found he was literally covered with ticks. Lost count after twenty.
    Now, I’m familiar with the tick problem, having removed more than a few from myself, my wife, and our cats and dogs over the years.
    But some of these were huge and totally different from the evil barstewards I am familiar with, As opposed to being round and pea shaped, these are elongated rather than pea shaped ..and they are a totally different colour.
    The usual colour is dark brown /black, the majority of the large ones I have removed were a pale blue?
    He/she is in a basket with a hot water bottle with food and water if she makes it it’s the local hedgehog rescue centre tomorrow.
    But are these ticks…and the level of infestation normal?


    This hedgehog is sick and needs help urgently. Please contact the BHPS / your local vet for your nearest carer

    Hogs often carry ticks and it’s not a problem. However, when a hog gets sick it stops scratching them off and are a sign that the hog needs help.
    All your other comments about the hog show that there is a problem

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