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Not sure if this hog needs help

Home Forums Carers / rescuing a hedgehog Not sure if this hog needs help

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    Any advice welcome. I am hoping these videos upload. I am new to this…..

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    Sorry, that doesn’t look like a proper link. You might need to write some sort of explanation. But if you think a hog needs help you can find your nearest hog carer/rehabilitator by ringing the BHPS on 01584 890801. A hog carer would be able to advise you.


    Hi I have found a hedgehog in my garden near the Hogidillo but it wasn’t moving but still alive, I have picked it up with an old towel and put it in a box, it’s curled up now and gone to sleep. Should I put some food and water in there for when it wakes up and then put it back into the garden or in the hogidillo or should I just put it back into the hogidillo now and leave some food and water out for it in the garden?

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    Hi papps66

    Sounds like you may need to get some help for this hog. Please ring 01584 890801 to find your nearest hedgehog carer/rehabilitator and take advice from them.

    With hogs around, please always leave water available for them in the garden at all times.


    I am not an expert but I would be concerned if it wasn’t moving when found
    I would call BHPS on 01584 890801
    Hopefully they can put you in touch with your local carer who will advise on the best options or even better give the little thing a quick look over.I would put food and water in the box for when it wakes up as it could be hungry/dehydrated in the recent warm weather.
    Please let us know how it goes.


    Thank you for your advice. I have rang and they have given me the number for the nearest carer and have called but no answer, have left a message so hopefully she will be in contact soon. Have been checking on him/her and at the minute still asleep. Will let you know how things go.


    That’s good. If you can keep in a dark place. I hope they call you back soon.

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