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Mr Hogalots bowel changes.

Home Forums Champions’ chat Mr Hogalots bowel changes.

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    Hi everyone,

    (Don’t read on if you don’t like reading about bowel habits.)
    Mr. Hogalot, my resident hoggie, despite it being -6 at night, has decided he needs to come out for a quick snack before heading back into his house. I have noticed that his poo has changed massively. in the last few days his poo has gone from being its normal dark brown, solid, rather large stools to an awful bright green runny/gooey consistency. I am not feeding him anything different to the food he has had for the last year. Could he have something going on in his tummy?
    Any advice much appreciated.

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    Hi Bellasmom

    Sorry no-one replied sooner. I hope the hog’s poos have returned to normal now, but in case not, the following is an extract from one of Stef’s posts from 2019. ” …….. hogs do have a fast gut transit time and it’s not unheard of for them to occasionally pass a green poo. However if it’s regular then the hog is ill
    Also bright green shiny/slimy if most likely to be a poorly hog”

    Although you may not have fed him anything different, he may have found some other food himself.

    If the hog still has green poos, it would be a good idea to contact your local carer/rehabilitator and take their advice – that is, if you haven’t already.

    Good luck. I hope the hog is ok now.



    I have at least two hogs in the garden using nests I built from bricks and hay.
    One seems to be very large, a good 8-9″ in length. The other much smaller.
    They wintered and came out late February.
    They also share a brick feeding station which keeps out the cats.
    From the amount of stools in the feeding station there is obviously more than one hog using it.
    I have noticed the sometimes runny green stools but for the first time this morning one of the stools is quite large and for the most part white.
    I give them the usual supplement of cat food and kibbles to go with worms I sometimes find in the garden and have seen no other problem until now.
    Is the white stool a sign of illness or just diet?
    Thoughts please.


    You need to get your hog to a carer for proper analysis fairly urgently

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