Hi all! We have so many hedgehogs in this little village. I’m so excited about it. I’ve built a house for them using your guide, they are increasing in numbers.
There is a bramble patch, I’ve been putting the bramblers back into it so it is an approx 7×7 meter space. I heard them last night when I went to check the food, the first time I’ve heard that strange noise!
They are as safe as I can hope here. I’ve only seen one road kill in 4 years. We are hidden behind an hotel so not many people know it’s here. It’s a corridor for wildlife, between two main roads. Apart from the aggressive farmers who are the local community council, who want to strim the ancient graveyard to death, when there are so many wild species it would be classed as listed. As soon as everything blooms, our come the strimmers. They dislike anything other than sheep or pheasants, and unfortunately I find strimmed slow worms dreading the day it will be a hedgehog.
Because of all this, I have turned my garden into a hedgehogs garden, sharing bits of space so we have long grass and pathways, no poison, wild flowers and grasses and I get no slug or snail problem on my veg, which is mixed in with the wild plants. I wish I could show everyone the beauty here.