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Looking for Hedgehog Champions in Walthamstow E17

Home Forums Champions’ chat Looking for Hedgehog Champions in Walthamstow E17

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    I am writing to see if there are any other Hedgehog Champions in the Walthamstow area? If so, it would be great if we could all get-together and share some thoughts and ideas on how we can make Walthamstow more hedgehog-friendly.

    There have been sightings in some streets around where I live (none by me unfortunately as I’m yet to see one)! I suspect a lot of this is because of people putting up solid garden fences in many of the houses around me.

    I’ve downloaded the poster provided by ‘Hedgehog Street,’ and I plan to put them up some time next week.

    I hope to hear from you,


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    Hi Francesca

    Sorry I don’t live near you, but am replying so your post moves back up to the top again.

    I hope you had some success with the Hog Street posters and that you’ve managed to see a hog for yourself. But if the poster encourages even one person to put hog holes in their fences it will be good. They are so important because, apart from anything else may provide hogs with sufficient habitat without them having to cross roads – which are a dangerous place for them.

    I’m wondering whether you have found the downloadable resources in ‘My Hedgehoig Street’ Something there may help you make contact with other hog lovers in the area.

    Good luck. Hope you see a hog soon, if you haven’t already.


    Hi Nic, thank you for this! I haven’t had any neighbours get in touch with me unfortunately. But I do hope the posters may have inspired some people to put holes in their fences! I will keep my eye out on the other resources Hedgehog Street provides which are fantastic and which I have also sent to my sister who sees hogs in her neighbourhood on a daily basis at the moment (lucky her!)

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    Hi Francesca

    Well done with all the efforts you’ve been making – very dedicated! Especially if you are still not seeing hogs yourself yet. Sorry to hear you haven’t had much in the way of replies, but as you say, hopefully there are some more hog holes in fences. But some people could have been away on holidays, busy with children on their Summer holidays from school, etc.

    You really do deserve to see some hogs yourself. Making your garden as wildlife friendly as possible can help. Some tips in here
    Leaving water available is always a good idea too, even when not offering food as well. Even when hogs can find wild food, they can’t always find water naturally.

    Good luck and keep up the good work!


    Hi Francesca ! 👋
    I’m new to Hedgehog Street but I’m looking for champions for a small project on a site in Sutherland Road E17 if you’re interested ?

    Would love to chat ! This post was a while ago I appreciate but hopefully you’re still active ?

    Hope you hear from you and best wishes,


    Hi Francesca ! 👋
    I’m new to Hedgehog Street but I’m looking for champions for a small project on a site in Sutherland Road E17 if you’re interested ?

    Would love to chat ! This post was a while ago I appreciate but hopefully you’re still active ?

    Hope you hear from you and best wishes,

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