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I want Advice on Rescuing & Caring for a Hedgehog

Home Forums Carers / rescuing a hedgehog I want Advice on Rescuing & Caring for a Hedgehog

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  • #48138

    Hey everyone,

    I came across a hedgehog in my garden & I am not sure about what to do next. It was out during the day; which I have heard is not a good sign. It seemed a little sluggish but did not look visibly injured. I left out some water and cat food but I am wondering if I should do more.

    For those of you experienced in rescuing hedgehogs; what are the signs that it might need urgent help?? Should I take it to a rescue center; or is it okay to monitor for now? Also; if I do need to care for it temporarily what is the best setup for keeping it safe and comfortable? ?

    Thank you.


    Hi, I think you should contact a local rescue centre or the British Hedgehog Preservation Society who should be able to help. I don’t think it’s a good sign if they are out during the day, especially if looking sluggish. We had the same issue last year and managed to catch the hedgehog, put it in a high sided box with a hot water bottle wrapped in a blanket and got it urgent help

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