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Hog herd

Home Forums Hedgehog tales Hog herd

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  • #42845

    We have had for the past 12 months 4 regular visitors to our garden, 1 female and 3 male (well that’s what the wife tells me). All I can say for definite is that we have 1 big one ( which I am sure is a female by the way it reacts around the other 3) and 3 smaller ones (definitely not juveniles) who seem to like pushing each other around, and coming onto the female.
    I have camera traps placed around our garden and have a lot of videos of their antics filmed over the last year, some of them show several types of behaviour.
    Unfortunately just recently one of the males had to go to our local hog hospital because he has ringworm and lungworm, according to the hospital he is doing well and recovering, so hopefully he will be back with us soon.


    They will take good care of him. Glad that he is doing well.

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