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Hedgies back in West Yorkshire

Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Hedgies back in West Yorkshire

  • This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by JLP.
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  • #36118

    We have 2 hog houses and every year they are occupied. This year was no exception, so obviously been putting food and water out every night, as they do wake up on and off. Last night, we had 3 new visitors, came through the hole in the fence, no idea where they come from though. So glad to see them all.

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    Hi Jane 06

    That’s great news that you have some hogs about, and new ones visiting, at that. It’s always so lovely when the hog activity gradually begins to increase after hibernation.

    Fingers crossed that the others emerge soon, too. Good luck and happy hog watching.



    A Hedgehog back in my WWest Yorkshire last night at 3.00 in the morning and was
    very hungry



    Just retyping my post it should say a hedgehog
    back in my West Yorkshire garden to last night at 3.00 in the morning and was hungy

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