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Hedgehog release tonight

Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Hedgehog release tonight

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    I took a poorly hog, weighing 276g to my local rescue in October. I visited with a donation at Christmas and he was just over 900g and looked fantastic. He’s just come out of hibernation so I’m going to collect him this evening and release him back into my garden.

    I’ve been putting food out again recently and it’s been disappearing, so I’m hoping my visiting hogs are back.


    Hi, good luck with the release. Such a happy read. I haven’t seen our hogs back in our garden yet, they started visiting last year for the first time. I’m hoping they will return. All the best for the coming season 🙂


    Good of you to rescue the little hedgehog. Hope you have a great new season.


    Well, I released him last night (he now weighs a healthy 1113g). Tried to video it, but I didn’t have enough hands and he shot off into his hog house before I could get my phone out! The rescue lady gave me some of his bedding, so I put it inside the house before I let him go. I scattered food in a few areas of the garden, and put a dish out in my feeding station last night and tonight, which is now empty. It’s supposed to be quite cold for the next few days, so fingers crossed he’s decided to set up camp in the house. I’m so pleased he’s home.


    That is a whopper of a weight, it has done very well. Hope it stays a while, but probably will wander off from time to time, and come back again. That is what I experience.

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