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Hedgehog poo

Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Hedgehog poo

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  • #9059

    I have seen lots of hedgehog poo but no ,I have a feeding station and the food always goes could I have more than one in my small garden .

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    Hi Bala

    The thing about hedgehogs is that they visit many gardens, so yes, you could have more than one hedgehog visiting. The food disappearing isn’t a guarantee that it was hogs that ate it, though. It could be other animals as well, such as cats, rats and mice. However, hedgehog poo, is fairly conclusive proof that they have been there, so hopefully you might see one or even some, soon. Good luck.

    P.S. Please remember to sign the Petition and if you have already, try to get at least 5 others to sign as well.

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