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Hedgehog lodger

Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Hedgehog lodger

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  • #14677

    Our hedgehog house has never had any residents, despite me putting in hay to welcome them. After months of no visitors I recently decided to use it as a second feeding station as it was located in a different area of the garden to the other one. This morning I opened the box to check if the food had been taken, (They have been visiting each night!) To discover a curled up hedgehog having a nap! Perhaps it was the hedgehog which was caught on camera wandering round the garden at 5.30 this morning. I do not want to disturb it, so I may leave some food outside tonight, hoping the local cats do not like Spikes dried hedgehog food.

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    Hi hollydog86

    Hogs do quite often go to sleep in the feed boxes. One here, made a completely elaborate nest once – on top of the food! He used it all winter for occasional stays – didn’t actually hibernate at all. It maybe that the hog was just caught out late and thought it might as well just settle down in the box. Sometimes it’s just one night or sometimes a couple. But in general, I find that many hogs prefer to eat outside so as long as the cats don’t eat the food, they should be o.k.

    Good luck.

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