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Going on holiday

Home Forums Carers / rescuing a hedgehog Going on holiday

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  • #47348

    We have had hedgehogs for years, they nest in the garden and there is always an occupied hedgehog house. They have become ( I assume ) used to having the food that I provide and I’m now worried about what to do when I’m away for a week in October . Usually I have someone to come and put food and water down but this year there is no one. Will they leave me ?.

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    Hi Granny7

    Sorry no-one has replied sooner.

    What we feed should only be supplementary to what the hogs can find for themselves, so hopefully the hogs will be ok. It’s possible, though, at this time of year, that they might not be back until after hibernation – but they might be!

    Try to leave some water out if you can – somewhere where the rain might top it up.

    Good luck. Hope your holiday goes well.

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