Feeling really disheartened
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- This topic has 21 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 5 months ago by
Hedgie Lover.
25th September 2019 at 9:51 am #18437
still fox free! and a hedgehog has taken residence in the hedgehog home again – not sure if it’s Huffy, but I’m quite sure it’s not Klepto as this hedgehog doesn’t scratch like Klepto, Klepto is a big hedgehog and very scratchy.
It’s been a lot quieter now it’s been raining heavily – but my camera managed to take 6 videos (one was a cat, and one appeared to have nothing on – but I wonder if that’s because the hedgehog was in the home, (camera is pointed on it) rumbling about?
Unfortunately, I heard a noise the other night – I thought it might be a cat – I got back indoors and got my torch out and locked the door, by that time the noise had stopped and I couldn’t see any hedgehogs. Then I googled ‘hedgehog screaming’ and I think it was the same noise. The following morning I checked all over, in the grass to see if their was a hedgehog – but I couldn’t see anything. I wonder if the fox had attacked it? It’s really concerning me.
The hedgehog who has taken residence, has got a big white mark on it – and this time I’m 100% sure it’s not a natural marking, it’s either got something stuck on it, or it’s paint. I either have never seen this hedgehog before and it’s new to the garden, or it’s a regular hedgehog who has come into contact with either a human or something sticky. It seems a pretty confident chap – and he has settled in the home – seems to know his way around – gets in the feeding station early to eat the dog food (8.30pm), so I presume he must have visited before now – so this white patch must have happened this weekend.
25th September 2019 at 10:11 am #18438Hi Hedgie Lover
I know it’s hard and we imagine all sorts of things happening to our beloved hog visitors, but try not to worry too much. All sorts of creatures make sounds at night and it may not have been the hog at all. Foxes can make fairly alarming calls, too – not necessarily because they have been hurt, either.
I’ll never forget the time I heard a terrible noise outside and thought one of the hogs was being attacked, only to find that it was the hog that was doing the attacking. A poor unfortunate fledgling had ended up on the ground. Yes, our dear sweet hogs are predators, as well.
But if hogs are allowed to be free, as they must be, there will always be risks. Hogs give us so much pleasure, but sadly the worry goes hand in hand with that. Just try not to let it dominate.
It is getting quieter here, too. We’re beginning to wind down to hibernation. I have a feeling some may already have begun. So you probably will be seeing less on your camera. I frequently get video with nothing there. The hogs can be quite speedy when they want to be and sometimes have disappeared out of view before the camera has time to burst into action!
29th September 2019 at 2:47 am #18508Hi Nic, do you know why this thread has been reported as inappropriate?
Bit worried about my hedgehogs – not a single one came out yesterday night – I’ve only seen one tonight – do you think it’s because it’s been raining a lot, quite heavily as well?
The fox has been back though – that could be another reason
29th September 2019 at 12:18 pm #18517Hi Hedgie Lover
Not sure about the ‘reporting’ thing. I think sometimes people press it by mistake. Hopefully it will disappear soon.
Don’t worry too much. Cameras are notoriously good at missing some things. Jokes of ‘invisibility cloaks’ are frequent! But some of the hogs may not visit every night. Hogs rely quite a lot on their sense of smell and hearing, both of which are likely to be affected on wet windy nights and it may partly be that. But also there is the potential for more worms, etc. So they could still be about, just in more hidden parts of the garden.
Hopefully, they’ll be back tonight.
Some of them will be beginning to disappear for hibernation now. The males from here disappeared a while ago. One female also missing. Although a new one has appeared (not sure whether male or female). They always keep us guessing!
13th October 2019 at 1:57 am #18865I wish ‘fox catchers’ were a thing, but they are a protected species in the UK, and the wildlife organisations, want the foxes to stay in the areas that they know, much like hedgehogs.
So I’ve had to resort to marking my territory with my own urine! Seems to be working – fox sniffs it and then disappears, doesn’t hang around. That’s been the case for the last two nights – so hopefully he will continue to be scared of the scent.
You can get a product called Mountain Lion from Amazon.com but it’s quite pricey and is quite a small bottle, and I’d have to pay overseas delivery charges as it would have to be shipped over from the US. Might be really effective, but would cost too much when I can do it for free.
13th October 2019 at 8:10 am #18868Does it have to be sprinkled around every day?
13th October 2019 at 8:59 am #18869I don’t know, but I’m doing it anyway, as I want them to go away. Plus I’m scared that the rain might wash it away.
No fox tonight, the camera didn’t pick anything up – that’s the first night I’ve been fox free in over a week, so it might be down to my scent.
Busy night for hedgehogs visiting, and the cats- so it’s not bothering them. No sign of Mr Rat, so perhaps he doesn’t like the smell of humans like the foxes.
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