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Early to rise

Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Early to rise

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  • #48177

    Hi All, Just thought I would report our local hedgehog arrived on the 25th Feb, a few days later than 2024,. He looks health and been eating well. Last year it was a few weeks later when we saw multiple hedgehogs, so waiting to see what arrive in the next few days/weeks


    Hi glad you got hogs visiting, its lovely to get them back. I have had a small one bedding in hog house since October and has come out every night for food and water all through the winter, but 2 nights ago another hog came visiting and bashed her all round garden, i am only guessing it was a girl but not so sure now , think if was a female he would’nt be beating her up.


    Hi glad you got hogs visiting, its lovely to get them back. I have had a small one bedding in hog house since October and has come out every night for food and water all through the winter, but 2 nights ago another hog came visiting and bashed her all round garden, i am only guessing it was a girl but not so sure now , think if was a female he would’nt be beating her up.

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