Distress call
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- This topic has 15 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 5 months ago by
Hedgie Lover.
11th October 2019 at 9:58 pm #18819
Hi hog lovers
Big Bruiser has gone to hibernate I assume as he feasted for several days and then disappeared. But Hetty and Cutie have continued to come out early each night and have been really tucking in to the food. I caught Cutie on the video last night and was delighted to see the increase in size, she is big enough now to make it through the winter.
I have been aware for a few days that Hetty has started to leave the garden again going on foraging trips and to my dismay Cutie has been joining her – I know it’s normal behaviour, but I have a lot of time invested in their welfare and couldn’t help being worried.
However, I popped out earlier this evening and heard a prolonged distress call – most definitely a hog! It sounded like it was coming from the bottom of my garden – so armed with a torch I went to investigate and realised it was coming from my neighbour’s garden. I’m so worried as I am unable to gain access and my neighbor is elderly and goes to bed at 6.30pm.
I’m sure it must be Hetty or Cutie and I’ve been in and out like a yo-yo just in case one or both return home injured! I’m at my wits end and probably won’t rest until I can gain access to my neighbour’s garden at 6am! Any suggestions very welcome!
I will be truly heartbroken if they have been attacked and injured!
Please keep everything crossed hog lovers that my spiked friends return unharmed! I will keep you posted!11th October 2019 at 11:52 pm #18821You must be beside yourself!
Does your neighbour have panelled fencing that you could climb over? Would she understand if you trespassed cos you needed to help a hog………
I don’t know what else to suggest…maybe very smelly food that would!d entice into your garden.
Any developments since it last post?12th October 2019 at 1:04 am #18828Hi Hettihog, feel for you in this situation, being extremely careful, can you get hubby to hold a ladder, and yo can climb up to have a look over? For God’s sake, don’t fall!….
12th October 2019 at 1:10 am #18829Hi simbo65
Just been back out in my PJs – there is one of them feeding I think? It’s so dark I can’t really see, but I can hear something crunching biscuits! Not sure if it’s Hetty or Cutie or a damm cat!
My neighbor would not appreciate me climbing her fence – she is the neighbor that complained about me feeding them months ago! But if she is difficult tomorrow when I ask to enter her back garden I might just remind her of all the good deeds I’ve done for her, as her family neglect her!
I cannot wait to look at the video footage! I’d do it now if I thought my husband would tolerate it but I know he won’t understand the worries of a mad hog loving woman 😂
Thank you for your concern, it’s only hog lovers that understand the anxiety! x12th October 2019 at 1:17 am #18830Hi Annker
I would do it if my Hubby would help but he doesn’t understand my anxiety I couldn’t manage on my own because of my useless arthritic body!
I’ve just got to hope they are ok until morning. I’ve just been out again and there is something feeding, too dark to see, but I can hear biscuits being crunched! I’m hopeful the video shows them both tomorrow or I’m definitely in that garden with or without permission!
Thank you for your concern x12th October 2019 at 6:12 am #18831Hi….any more news? If she doesn’t give permission maybe you could remind her they are endangered and you are calling out RSPCA ,I’m not actually sure if they would come out but worth a try…thinking of you and the anxiety you are going through. I would be just the same!!!!
12th October 2019 at 10:05 am #18836Good morning hog lovers
And I’m relieved to say it is a good morning!
After a very anxious night I can report both Hetty and Cutie are back and both look good! I couldn’t stand the not knowing and couldn’t wait to check video footage ! So at 4am this morning I trawled through 198 videos and I was so relieved to see both Hetty and Cutie feeding together!
I’m so sorry for not posting earlier, but once I knew they were both Ok I crashed completely exhausted!
Thank you for your support x12th October 2019 at 10:20 am #18837PHEW….. So relieved to hear Hettie and Cutie are OK.
I kept refreshing the page in between doing chores so see if there was an update
I wonder what the noise was you heard?
Foxes mating can be quite an awful sound.The 3 legged release hasn’t been here for 2 nights now. I’m getting concerned as the neighbours had a big garden tidy up and I wonder if it might have been disturbed. Trying to stay positive and hoping maybe has found somewhere better.
Oh the worry they give us.
12th October 2019 at 10:42 am #18839Morning simbo65
Yes PHEW! My sentiments entirely!
The noise was definitely the hogs. I found a video clip of Cutie making the noise whilst standing on the patio near the food. Strange little animals – I couldn’t establish any reason for the noise but I did check the sound on the forum what the noise indicated and it was a distress call!
I so agree with you, these beautiful little creatures find a way in to your heart and become such a worry. But just knowing we increase their chances makes it all worthwhile.
I’m so grateful for the support of my fellow hog lovers, you just have to be one to understand! So thank you! X12th October 2019 at 11:11 am #18840I wonder why Cutie was distressed. Did she stop making the noise quite quickly?
I’m just keeping everything crossed for the 3 legged release who I haven’t given a name. I was waffling on about it to my hubbie this morning but I could see he was glazing over !
The other release is still eating here. Also no name .He drinks from puddles on the patio even though there are water bowls. I will put a few more out tonight as I am concerned that if he does it somewhere else they may put weed killer down.
Fingers crossed they all do OK12th October 2019 at 12:26 pm #18842Hi simbo65
I will keep everything crossed for your little hog returning and making it through the winter – really they are such a worry!
Amusing that you notice your hubbys eyes glazing over lol! My husband suffers from the same infliction! Lol! My husband is usually a quite sensitive and caring individual, but definitely doesn’t have a nurturing gene in his body! Lol
I think the hogs distract too much of my attention- and he wants it all! Lol
Best wishes hoping all goes well in your hog world! x12th October 2019 at 12:54 pm #18843Hi Hettihog, Simbo65l I have arthritis too, which is why I said what I did. Just drag the man out of bed…. Hope.you caught up on your sleep. Sounds like fort… next door. If in there how did they get out? The rspca are good people but sometimes can take a long time. I rescued a cock and hen once, they were freezing to death, no food or water. Cock was sat on hen to keep her warm. I took them in but because I rescued them, it became less urgent so it was two days before they came for then. I was asked for a donation so I gave them the sack of food I’d had to buy to look after them! Simbo, your hog is probably looking for a hibernation site, it’s getting close to needing one and it doesn’t know the area yet, so keep calm both of you or you will be ill, then no help to anyone. Wishing you all the very best.
12th October 2019 at 3:30 pm #18853Hi Annker
Next door is a bit of a fort, but I made a hole in the fence to enable free roaming. I did it both sides of the garden, even though I only own one side! But there is so much vegetation I don’t think any one would ever notice – just the hogs! Lol
As far as dragging the man out of bed! 😂 my life would not be worth living if I did that 😂
I tried to catch up with sleep but having watched countless cam videos, ( most of which were leaves moving in the wind or me wandering about with a torch looking for injured hogs 😂 not at all entertaining ) my head was buzzing afterwards.
Never mind hopefully I will have an uneventful night tonight and stay very calm 🤞😂 best wishes x12th October 2019 at 7:54 pm #18854Sorry Hettihog, I said that about dragging the hubby out tongue in cheek. Mine is more tolerant, but would sigh and huff and make me wonder if it was worth it. How brave and enterprising of you to make the holes in the fence, good job they are hidden from view by plants as if its the same neighbour you told me about before, well! Hope your hogs are none the worse for ware and are well. Have a good night’s sleep, best wishes.
12th October 2019 at 10:09 pm #18855Hey Annker, nothing whatsoever to be sorry about..
yes it’s the same neighbor, but she is too old now to do her own garden and remains in the house most of the time and if the fence needs repairs or treating she relies on us to maintain it – so it is sort of our fence !!😂
Best wishes to you x -
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