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Country Hog Heaven!

Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Country Hog Heaven!

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  • #47500

    I’ve recently moved a very rural, agricultural part of to the Scottish Borders and was not expecting to see many (if any) hedgehogs, due to the numerous articles on their seriously declining numbers in rural areas, however, I am absolutely over the moon! I go out to feed them and they do not ball up but continue to run around – in fact if I’m late, I find them sitting around yesterday’s plate! Last night’s trail-cam managed to snap a dining prickle of 6!

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    That’s great news, Jeziki. I’m gessing that’s them in your photo id. If so, I’m wondering whether they might be youngsters (which would be good) as that many adults don’t tend to gather as close together – but hard to tell from only one image and there could be other explanations.

    You are right that, in general hog numbers are declining in rural areas, but seems like you have struck lucky in that particular area! Lucky hedgehogs too!

    Good luck and happy hog watching.

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