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Advice on hedgehog caught on wildlife cam

Home Forums Carers / rescuing a hedgehog Advice on hedgehog caught on wildlife cam

  • This topic has 4 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 3 months ago by Avatar photoIan.
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  • #47919


    Last night I captured a hedgehog on our wildlife cam, that appears to have a round dark patch on its right side and a long dark streak on its other side. I’ve never noticed this before and am unsure what it is.

    The way I’d describe it, is that it looks like mud-and it may well be- but I was slightly concerned and thought I’d ask on here in case anyone has any useful advice.

    Thank you.

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    Hi Beck459

    If the marks are fairly well defined, as you seem to suggest, it seems unlikely they are there by chance. However, some people artificially mark hogs to help them to identify a particular hedgehog – unnecesary in my opinion as they all have their own natural markings/characteristics. But that is a possibility. If so the marks might gradually disappear, i.e. if it rains.

    Having said that, and it’s not my area of knowledge, but hogs do sometimes get skin problems – for instance ringworm – and if you are concerned that might be the case you might like to take advice from your nearest hog carer/rehab. You can get contact details by ringing BHPS on 01584 890801.

    I hope the hog is ok. Good luck.


    Hi all,
    I have 2 hedgehog holes and lots of bush cam sightings of them being used which is great to see! unfortunately have just adopted a rescue cocker spaniel who seem to be able to escape through them (twice in the 1st week!)🙈 have had to block them temporarily but really need a solution to this problem as have at least one hog hibernating in my garden!! Any ideas?

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    Hi Charl01

    I’m assuming the spaniel is adult and not likely to grow? But it might be a bit of trial and error, gradually making the holes smaller. Hogs can often get through holes smaller than the often quoted cd size. If that doesn’t work, maybe you can block the holes in daylight and open overnight – and keep the dog on a lead at night, which might be safer for all concerned anyway. But that needs more dedication from you.

    Good luck. Hope you find something that works.

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    Can you make a tunnel that would not let your dog through but would still let the hogs through? I had a problem with cats getting to the hedgehog food so put an old piece of plastic pipe in front of the entrance. The cats can reach in anymore.
    Another idea, I use this to prevent birds getting to the food, is to put out a few sticks with strips of aluminium foil. As they move easily with a breeze and make a noise the birds don’t like it. I’ve used this in veg gardens too.


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