Teen Hedgehog Champion Dylan’s campaign success
7th May 2022
15-year-old Hedgehog Champion Dylan has been working tirelessly for the last two years to raise awareness of our struggling hedgehogs. His incredible efforts include creating the below award winning film, giving community talks, rescuing hogs and fundraising for his local rescue, all alongside his school work! Earlier this year he was also featured on Radio 1, chatting to Breakfast Show host Greg James about his hedgehog work.

Power products
Sadly every spring and summer hedgehog rescues all over the UK report horrific injuries and even fatalities caused by garden strimmers and lawnmowers. Dylan decided he wanted to do something about this, encouraging companies to place hedgehog aware stickers on equipment. He contacted Genpower Ltd, a UK distributor of Hyundai Power Products, who have agreed to include ‘Hedgehog Aware’ stickers on their lawnmowers and strimmers.

People don’t keep boxes that equipment comes in, and they need to be reminded to look for hedgehogs every time they’re about to strim or mow. Hopefully these stickers will remind gardeners to be hedgehog aware, and reduce the amount of injuries to hedgehogs!
We’d like to thank Dylan for his ongoing work to help hedgehogs and hope that his tireless efforts inspire others to take action!