Doing any building work or worried about a development near you?
11th June 2019
Hedgehog Street do not normally respond to individual applications. We prefer to focus on ensuring housing developers mitigate for hedgehogs in any development work that they do. This is because hedgehogs are only partially protected, objections along those lines are often disregarded.
However, we have provided a quote from Hedgehog Street that you can include in your own responses to applications. In this we have outlined our strong concerns around hedgehog declines in the UK and that new housing developments put these at risk. In our Hedgehogs and Development guide we also suggest various mitigation practises that can be adopted during development to ensure minimal disturbance. We also urge that hedgehog-friendly features are included in the design of the new housing.

Free Wildlife Assessment Checker Tool for homeowners
New development projects in the UK have a wide-ranging impact on our wildlife. Protected and priority species are threatened when developments change or damage the structure of the natural environment. Sensitive landscape design helps threatened species like hedgehogs recover.
Considering local ecology early can also hopefully prevent projects incurring delays, unexpected costs, and prevent reassessing potential ecological impacts during a planning application. So use this free tool now!
It’s extremely easy to use and allows you to check, at home, whether you’ll need expert ecological advice before you even submit your planning application. You simply enter information such as your postcode, the type of work you intend to have done, and answer some quick questions about the site.
“The Wildlife Assessment Checker tool is really simple to use, and helped us find out what wildlife was around our home before we went ahead with our extension. And it only took 5 minutes!” – Debbie, homeowner