Hedgehogs nest year-round and produce different types of nest for day-time resting, breeding and hibernation. Day-time nests are a retreat […]
Archive for the ‘General’ Category
Doing any building work or worried about a development near you?
11th June 2019
Hedgehog Street do not normally respond to individual applications. We prefer to focus on ensuring housing developers mitigate for hedgehogs […]
Free guides: hedgehog advice for everyone
4th June 2019
Hedgehog Street have been working hard to produce advice for everyone from groundskeepers and farmers, to town planners and homeowners. […]
Are you hearing strange noises in the garden?
28th May 2019
Usually by May, the mating season will be in full swing. Hedgehogs reach sexual maturity in their second year of […]
Have you seen the Hedgehog Street You Tube channel?
21st May 2019
The Hedgehog Street YouTube channel is a great place to watch hedgehogs doing all sorts of fascinating, funny and downright […]
Hedgehog Ecology and Land Management – the course for ecologists and land managers
14th May 2019
This unique training course provides a professional guide to hedgehog ecology, surveying and mitigation. Developed back in 2015 in partnership […]
Hedgehog Awareness Week Day 7: It’s the last day, but there is still lot’s you can do to help hedgehogs!
11th May 2019
Hedgehog Street has been working so hard to make a real difference for hedgehogs, but none of it would be […]
Hedgehog Awareness Week Day 6: Romancing the hedgehog
10th May 2019
Do hedgehogs have a love life? Usually by May, the mating season will be in full swing. Hedgehogs reach sexual […]
Hedgehog Awareness Week Day 5: Hedgehog Champions
9th May 2019
All the great things being done for hedgehogs across the UK is down to our dedicated Hedgehog Champions – thank […]
Hedgehog Awareness Week Day 4: Hedgehog facts
8th May 2019
There are three main habitat requirements to consider when managing green space for hedgehogs: ► A range of nesting opportunities […]