Britain’s Biggest Hedgehog Street
20th July 2022
This competition has now finished.
Thanks to all who entered, check out the winners HERE!!
Find out more about how to help hedgehogs with hedgehog highways below.
Hedgehog highways are vital for hedgehogs, allowing them to move through our urban landscape on their nightly searches for food, shelter and mates. By installing hedgehog highways in garden fences and walls, we can link habitat together and create Hedgehog Streets! And this summer, we’re looking for Britain’s Biggest Hedgehog Street.
What’s the competition?
The most gardens linked together on one street!
Hint: Be creative… Think about tunnels under fences and walls, and linking front and back gardens together.
We’ll have some prizes for extra categories as well, so tell us all about your hedgehog highway even if you’re unsure if it’s big enough to win! We’re looking for things like community effort, decorated highways and creative solutions.
Hedgehogs can travel a mile or more in a single night, but will struggle if there are walls and fences in the way. Every Hedgehog Street is important so tell us about yours!

How long do we have?
The competition closes on Saturday 10th September, so you have plenty of time to plan your Hedgehog Street and submit your entry!

How do we get involved?
The submission page can be found here, accessible once you’re a registered Hedgehog Champion.
We’ve put together some resources to help you get started:
- A dedicated Britain’s Biggest Hedgehog Street invitation, to post through neighbours’ doors and get them involved.
- A window poster showing that you’re helping hedgehogs with a hedgehog highway!
- All of our other free downloadable resources for Hedgehog Champions including posters, leaflets, action cards and fact sheets.
The winning street will receive the accolade of being Britain’s Biggest Hedgehog Street, plus all manner of hedgehog goodies.
If you have any questions get in touch via
Remember to share your efforts using the hashtag #BiggestHedgehogStreet, and keep an eye on PTES and BHPS social media as we’ll be sharing hints, tips and examples throughout the summer.
Good luck!