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Author Archive
Halton Housing Trust backs Hedgehog Street
5th September 2011
Residents in Runcorn and Widnes have been called on to act as good neighbours to the area’s hedgehogs.
Hedgehog Street demand exceeds expectations!
12th July 2011
Wow! with over 11,200 Hedgehog Street Champions signed up, we are running out of packs fast (even after 2 reprints!)
Your street on TV?
4th July 2011
We are looking for a family who have already started getting their neighbours involved in Hedgehog Street and wouldn’t mind being on television.
Local government backing
22nd June 2011
Hedgehog Street receives a glowing endorsement from Councillor Andrew Curtin, London Borough of Havering, having been approached by Hedgehog Champion Lynda Austin.
Spreading the word…
22nd June 2011
Both BHPS and PTES were out and about last weekend gaining even more support for Hedgehog Street.
Record numbers of Hedgehog Street sign-ups.
7th June 2011
Over 5800 people have signed up for their Hedgehog Street Pack!
Hedgehog Street to appear on Springwatch!
2nd June 2011
Please look out for Hedgehog Street tonight as we appear on BBC Springwatch.