All the great things being done for hedgehogs across the UK is down to our dedicated Hedgehog Champions – thank […]
Author Archive
Hedgehog Awareness Week Day 4: Hedgehog facts
8th May 2019
There are three main habitat requirements to consider when managing green space for hedgehogs: ► A range of nesting opportunities […]
Hedgehog Awareness Week Day 3: make your garden safe
7th May 2019
Garden Hazards: 1. Ponds & swimming pools Hedgehogs are good swimmers but they often drown through sheer exhaustion as they […]
Hedgehog Awareness Week Day 2: Think Hedgehog Highways
6th May 2019
Ensuring hedgehogs can pass freely through your garden is the most important thing you can do to help them. Why […]
It’s Hedgehog Awareness Week!
5th May 2019
How can you help hedgehogs this week? Hedgehogs that are fast disappearing from our towns and countryside, but thankfully there […]
Spring is here, and hedgehogs are making the most of our gardens
16th April 2019
As the sun comes out and the weather slowly but surely warms up, nature is starting to bloom and insects […]
Hedgehog fun in the sun!
9th April 2019
Spring is in the air! Recently, we visited the Brockwell Park Community Greenhouses to host a special hedgehoggy morning for […]
Hedgehogs and development: free guide for developers
4th April 2019
Hedgehogs are disappearing at an alarming rate. Since the millennium, a third have been lost from our towns and cities. […]
Hugh Warwick’s Hedgehog Highways petition – please sign!
26th March 2019
Hugh Warwick is a hedgehog expert based in Oxford who spends his days doing all he can to help our […]
Researchers from across Europe come together to talk hog!
20th March 2019
Earlier this month we attended the 8th International Workshop of the European Hedgehog Research Group. With over 100 members from […]