Our wider work for hedgehogs
Hedgehog Street is part of a wider campaign to help hedgehogs, run by two UK-based charities, People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) and the British Hedgehog Preservation Society (BHPS).
Whilst we have been working together for over a decade, recent efforts have been focused on the conservation of the hedgehog, as the evidence for a decline has mounted. We run a steering group that meets every six months to decide on the direction of the work.
The four ‘arms’ to our strategy for hedgehogs
1) Fund research on hedgehogs
We have invested in a range of research projects that are looking at answering some of the unknown questions concerning hedgehogs and their ecology. Some of this research has helped us to develop completely new ways to detect hedgehogs.

Training for a new research project at Nottingham Trent University
2) Commercial work for hedgehogs

Hedgehog highways marked on a new development
We have set up and manage a series of professional training courses for land managers and consultants, delivered by mammal experts in different parts of the UK. We are also building links with developers to ensure hedgehogs are not forgotten in the rush to build houses.
Find out about our work with developers.
Are you a developer? Get in touch and work with us to build hedgehog friendly houses!
3) Training
4) Outreach and engagement
This is all the work associated with Hedgehog Street and the Hedgehog Champions, including any media and PR work.