Welcome to Hedgehog Street
We want to make sure the hedgehog, the UK’s only spiny mammal, remains a common and familiar part of British life.
We know hedgehogs are in trouble. We’ve lost a third of all our hedgehogs since the millennium.
Hedgehogs love gardens, and fortunately there are around half a million hectares of garden in the UK. We know what hedgehogs need to survive in gardens.
Hedgehogs need access to lots of gardens to survive, so we are encouraging everyone to cooperate.
Our Hedgehog Champions
That’s where you come in. More than 100,000 Hedgehog Champions are registered on this website, forming a vibrant and enthusiastic community. Champions help us make a real difference for hedgehogs all over the country.
Explore the photo galleries for a taste of what’s happening and how you can help.

In an increasingly urbanised Britain, we choose to lose all that is complex and beautiful if we do not stand up for our wild animals and plants. We hope you can help us fight for the hedgehog.