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Home Forums Champions’ chat A Sad Day For Hedgehogs Reply To: A Sad Day For Hedgehogs

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Hi Penny

I’ve always wanted to see a mum with a trail of babies too, but like you, suspect there are two many boisterous boys around for them to risk bringing their smaller babies here. (a good bit of alliteration there, between us!) I am hoping I may catch them down the garden on the cam one day.

If you want to see Pam Ayres. She was on the lunch time show yesterday, when she read part of the poem. I think she was on in the second half of the show. And again on Springwatch Unsprung, yesterday as well, when she read a different part of the poem. The first segment she read was really very sad at the end. She said the poem was going to be in a book, so something to look out for.
