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Home Forums Champions’ chat Would like to hear from other hedgehog champions! Reply To: Would like to hear from other hedgehog champions!


Hello Suzynic

Glad to hear you have them back in again! We also have them back. Last year we started getting two fairly large ones in and then we seemed to find a smaller chap!

I installed a couple of “hedgehog houses” under our trees at the bottom of the garden, in the hope that our visitors would take to them. They seemed to be dragging the provided hay in regularly, so I assumed they were taking up residence!

Hedgehog Houses

A couple weeks ago all three were in the garden – we feed dried meal-worms, late in the evening after all the birds have gone for the night. It seems that is their favourite…

They also have a track out, under our fence, into the path behind our garden and I have also heard from someone up the road that they are getting visits from some hedgehogs….this track seems very well used.

It seems that the smaller one stays behind while the larger pair push off – would that be a possibility?

There are visits so far every night now as all meal-worms are gone in the morning…

Any more thoughts on these beautiful creatures would be welcome to hear!
