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Hedgehog in my garden

Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Hedgehog in my garden

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  • #47578

    We have hoped to attract a hedgehog into the garden for years and this summer we found some scats in a few places. We heard that the next door neighbours dog had been barking at a hedgehog that was living under the shed of another neighbour 2 doors away. Our garden fence has plenty of holes in it anyway and we have several neglected areas in the garden full of leaves and discarded garden bits and pieces. We made a hole in the fence, built a hedgehog house and a feeding station. One evening last week I heard snuffling, oinky noises from the back of the garden but could not see anything. We put the trail camera in that area and this morning I can report that we captured one on film. It returned several times between 20.30 and 4.00 it did go into the feeding station and paddled in the water bowl but was not very interested in the special hedgehog biscuits that I had bought. Can’t wait to see more!

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