Hello everyone,
I recently came across an injured hedgehog in my backyard and I need guidance on how to care for it. The hedgehog has a small wound on its back and appears to be limping,; with some minor scrapes on its legs. While the injury doesn’t seem severe; it is concerning.
The hedgehog is quite lethargic and in pain. It isn’t as active as usual and has shown little interest in food or water. I found it in a garden area with dense underbrush and have placed it in a large,; safe box with a soft blanket for comfort.
I provided a shallow dish of water and some cat food to see if it will eat, and I’ve kept the box in a quiet; warm area to minimize stress. I am unsure of the next steps and would appreciate any advice on how to proceed.
I need guidance on immediate care for the injury, the best diet to aid in recovery, and when to seek help from a wildlife rehabilitator / vet.
Thank you for any tips you can provide.