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wet food versus dry food

Home Forums Champions’ chat wet food versus dry food

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    I have been feeding hedgehogs from a hedgehog house for the past four years and on average 3 came per night, they loved the cat and dog dry food but hardly touched the wet food. I have jjust one coming thjis year but he eats one cat sachet a night but does not touch the dry food (before the dry food is scattered all around), I would be interested to know what other people experience


    Dry food is usually the choice for adult hogs, although they will eat wet if hungry enough. However, I have found that wet food does tend to give hogs loose stools so tend to avoid it as it also smells more and therefore is more likely to attract unwanted interest in the ofrm of fly’s, rats and cats


    I have tried, but now never use wet food, for the following reasons:-
    1) Attracts other animals more than the dry.
    2) Goes off in warmer weather.
    3) Expensive option.
    I generally buy Hedgehog nibbles at 20kg a time which can last through the season (outside of hybernation period).
    Another observation is that hedgehogs can be creatures of habit when it comes to food. I once bought a well known make of nibbles and the hogs would not touch them. Also, recently my current supplier seems to have changed the source (or recipe ) and for a few days the nibbles were barely touched.
    Having just bought 20kg of these I persevered with these and now things are back to normal and all 7 bowls are consumed each night.

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