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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings 23 February 2023 Hedgehog visitors are back. Reply To: 23 February 2023 Hedgehog visitors are back.


HI Nic

Covid got us both for the first time a week before Christmas & things have been ropey ever since, hubby has just been in hospital for a couple of weeks due to the aftermath of covid coupled with the negligence of 2 GP phone ‘consulatations’ which resulted in an early morning 999 call & 4 paramedics to get him to hospital. The diagnosis over the phone of a chest infection missed as you’d expect the blood clots in his lungs & pneumonia he actually had which caused him to have severe pain & breathing problems & a nightmare experience from then on. It also took up two ambulance crews who needn’t have been there if the GP had seen him face to face & sent him to hospital the previous day.

Other than that everything is fine, a massive hedgehog was spotted in my garden a fortnight ago, haven’t seen one so big since the 80’s & food is being taken every night now & poo messages left as a thank you!

Hope all is well in 2024 for you & I’m going to try to remember how to start a new thread this afternoon. The shop hasn’t had any glue traps on sale but according to the League Against Cruel Sports who became involved the parent company of the shop is advertising them online marked not for use in Wales or some such rubbish.
