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Home Forums Champions’ chat Do you think if they are dead? Reply To: Do you think if they are dead?

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Hi Okosho

Don’t worry about asking questions on the Forum. We can’t know something until we find out about it, so you don’t sound stupid.

Hopefully the hedgehogs would have been able to get through the piles of branches – hedgehogs are good climbers and they are used to getting through bases of hedges. The concrete pieces don’t sound so good, but if they were only small (as you say) and were mostly on top of the branches, maybe not so bad. But yes, the builders should have cleared things up properly. Maybe they didn’t realise there was a hog home there.

Hedgehogs change nests at various times and for all sorts of reasons, so they may have moved elsewhere. But if it was a hog box, a hedgehog could use it again. So keep an eye out.

If there are hedgehogs in the area, it’s a good idea to make water available for them all day every day – including during winter. You never know when a thirsty hog is going to pass by. Wide but shallow plant saucers are a cheap and easy way of providing water.

Good luck. I hope you capture some more images of hedgehogs on your camera. Let us know how things go.
