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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings No Hedgehogs this year???? Reply To: No Hedgehogs this year????

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Hi Roccoryan2008

If this is the hog you were talking about here: I’m not surprised he has disappeared. Wild hedgehogs should not be enclosed in gardens – they need more space than that – males can travel up to 2 miles a night. Shutting them in a garden is just a larger ‘cage’. As you discovered, hedgehogs are good climbers, but I don’t imagine that alone would have upset him. If there is good habitat in the area, the hedgehog might have preferred to concentrate on other areas to avoid being shut in, etc., again.

Despite that, either that hog or another could be back. Males have large ranges and don’t always stay in the same part of their range all the time. So that we frequently get reports on the Forum of hogs ‘going missing’ but they often turn up again eventually.

For future reference, if you are anxious to get a response to your posts, it’s better to start a new topic. It’s easy for posts not to be so easily noticed if they are tacked on to the end of other topics.

Good luck.
