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Home Forums Champions’ chat Rats! Reply To: Rats!


I’ve been feeding hogs on a regular basis for a good couple of years now, and presume I’ve also been feeding the odd rat. However, it was only for the first time on Sunday, after having a camera set up in the feeding station for the past 4 weeks, that the motion detection was set off by a rat. Persistent little fella (well reasonably sized fella!), whose style was to grab a bit and then head somewhere outside, then back again.

My observation of the rat being inside the feeding station when there was a hog in there was that the hog seemed to tolerate the rat’s presence, although some of the hogs behaviour also suggested that the scent put them off – they would unusually enter the station then immediately leave.

It’s hard to tolerate the sight of a rat eating the feed left for hogs (and birds). All creatures have to eat, but it’s the thought, I guess, of there being multiples, as they are powerful, persistent and determined creatures.

Anyway, ‘humane’ trap set up last night, and there he was this morning.

We both went out for a car drive this morning at 6am.

I know they are at risk in the countryside unless they can make a livable territory for themselves, and I kinda felt sad this evening when I wondered how he would be coping. But then, such endearments are harder when they are in your own back yard!
