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Home Forums Champions’ chat Hedgehog warning road signs Reply To: Hedgehog warning road signs


It’s very difficult-seems to depend on your council. I tried and failed and I even had the support of the Wildlife Trust as well as the BHPS recent report and evidence.
Keep trying though, you might be lucky and get someone who will put them up. Be precise and direct in your application, be factual and clear as it will all help. Use the Big Hedgehog Map to prove that they are being recorded as killed on a particular stretch of road. If there’s nothing on that map, start asking locals to record sightings (dead and alive) as this is a very important piece of evidence.
My local council refused but said we could put them up in private gardens so log as they didn’t obstruct highway signs and weren’t a danger to pedestrians (e.g. too low or sticking out).
