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Home Forums Carers / rescuing a hedgehog Which hedgehogs need help in winter? Reply To: Which hedgehogs need help in winter?

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Yes, Hedgie Lover, I think you deserve a break. You were working very hard when you had Sweetpea. I expect you are missing her a bit and needing to filll your time up.

You’ll soon learn more, don’t worry. There are loads of sources on line as well as what’s on Hedgehog Street. But the basics are pretty straightforward. All we need to do is offer some food and water and a house or two if we wish. Mostly, the hogs pretty much look after themselves, as they have for millions of years without our help.

The very best thing you can do for the hogs is link gardens and improve the habitat in your garden for them. Maybe that’s something you can think about over the winter when most, if not all the hogs are hibernating. Most of us can find more ways to make our gardens hog friendly.
